Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Learning on the low-key, shining! | A lil' Life Update

Whew, Chile! I haven't had a written blog post since February and I really don't know how I fell off so bad. I mean, I was sort of focusing on events, growing my social media following and creating content for Instagram mainly, but that definitely shouldn't have made me neglect my precious baby: my blog. I know I've been gone far too long, but I'm back and it's on! Did that sort of rhyme? I'm pretty sure it did, but let's get into this blog post!

I want to share some things with you guys, starting with what I've been up to. For starters, I hosted my second Creative Girl Hangout, this time in Atlanta. "The Peach Edition" of my beloved celebration was a hit and truly sparked something in me. I'm so inspired, that I've been actively working on expanding the platform. I even went on InstaLive and held a open house for it. Who do I think I am? I've got some really great things in store for Creative Girl Hangout,  you just wait and see! So far we, yes we because I now have a mini staff, have an Instagram, a Twitter, a page on Facebook, and the official website will be launching very very soon! I've added a very special girl to the team. My fellow pr gal and good friend Alisha Johnson, aka Instaless-Lish, is part of the CGH crew and manages our Twitter account. Make sure you guys follow us everywhere and show us all the love! SN: the third CGH is in the works! It's set to take place this September in Jacksonville, so DUUVVALLL get ready!

Watch the CGH ATL Recap here: Creative Girl Hangout Atlanta

Twitter: @cghangout

I attended 21 Ninety's Summit 21 as a GUEST! Yes, a guest. Y'all don't know how amazing that made me feel. It was the ultimate confirmation that my hard work isn't going unnoticed. The Summit was lit af, okay? It was everything I needed and even more of what I didn't know I needed. I spent two days meeting, networking and learning with some of the most amazing black girls on the planet. I sat on a row next to my girlfriends taking notes from amazing women like Sarah Jakes-Roberts, Ashley Blaine, Alex Wolf, Stephanie Scott, Karleen Roy, Maya Washington, Angela Rye, Robin Thede, Tiffany Wilche, and soooooo many more! As if I needed any more stuff, I came home with four extra bags filled hair, skin and beauty products, plus two books I purchased from "Gallery 21." I even got invited to two exclusive events in addition to the actual Summit, one of which I created a vlog for. Needless to say, I had the time of my LIFE!

Watch my VLOG here: xo, Janée Ep. 1

I got a raise at work and yes I celebrated this "W" with a sparkling glass of pink moscato! As you guys know, I work at the BEST fashion boutique ever, Meow and Barks Boutique. As I approach year three of employment, I just want to express how thankful I am for my boss, Traci Evans, and this awesome space. I get to work for a black-owned company with deep roots in its community and a genuine care for black women. Still can't believe I turned a dm on Instagram into an internship that led to a job, and is really starting to look like a growing career. We're currently gearing up for the Essence Festival next week and I'm way too excited. This will be my fourth year going and I'm looking forward to all the magic, fun, and dope memories the team and I are about to create!

I got braidzzzz! I know these pictures don't reflect my current hairstyle, but just believe me. In fact, I'm getting my hair done as I type up this post! Yeah, it's real-time (lol). You guys know the Fulani/tribal braids? The super trendy ones all the stylish girls are getting? Yeah... I've been craving them for over a year now, but was too scared because I didn't want to look silly. I'm still working on my confidence, so bear with me. However,  it's summer so I figured why not? We'll see how these turn out... I'll take some pictures for the 'gram and let you guys let me know how you feel.

That's about it for my life update, but I would also like to share my summer goals. June is on its way out, which means we'll officially be half-way through 2018. Can you believe it? This year is definitely flying by, but it encouraged me to make the most of the rest of it. There's a bunch of stuff I want to do before December 31st, but here are five short-term goals I have for summer '18...

1. Reach 5k followers on Instagram. I'm only 205 way depending on the day. *shrugs*
2. Wash my car. Yeah, it'a a goal because I'm actually not that good when it comes to my lil' Yaris.
3. Take BETTER care of myself! I need proper rest and actual breakfast & lunch. The essentials!
4. Organize my closet and dresser(s). Everything is all over the place right now. That's all I'll say.
5. Save some d**n money! Remember Frugal & Fabulous February? Yeah, I need to do that again.

These may seem small, but I believe they're effective. I want to master Beyoncé's lifestyle so I must start small. It's the little things that count anyway, right? Speaking of Queen Bey, are you guys feeling Everything Is Love? I actually like it a lot. "Black Effect," "Heard About Us," and "713" are my jams. Like... I looked up the lyrics via Apple Music and all so that I can sing along without messing up. I'm dedicated when I want to be.

I've been going through some personal things lately. Some I'm afraid to share, others I intend to once I'm ready. Relationship stuff, family stuff, friendship stuff, school stuff.. ugh. At times it seems like nothing is going right, but I have faith in God. I have to check myself on trusting Him sometimes because I need to let go and let Him do His job. It's so easy to want control, but He already has a plan. As long as I release my worries and allow Him to do the rest, I'll be aight. Ultimately, I am truly pushing through and working toward living a healthy and fulfilling life. I don't want to just be happy I want to be joyous and full of love. Thank you guys so much for your continued love and support. I couldn't do any of this without you, I swear.


P.S.: For deets on this look, visit my Instagram


  1. Those definitely sound like attainable goals. Keep shining and pushing through! I'm very proud of you. Life happens and things may get in the way but that's the beauty of starting over and over again as needed. As for Everything is Love, I haven't stopped playing it since it was released! We have the same faves but Summer is at the top of my list! I high key looked up the lyrics too! Gotta stay ready! Lol

  2. Yasss, Erika!! Thanks for all the encouragement. I see you shining, too! Keep at it. Life is such a ride, my oh my, lol. The Carters stole my heart with this album. Summer is growing on me. Deff gotta stay ready!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Interestinng read


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